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Innovation to improve access to care: The CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal partners with Gray to optimize operations for its two cancer centers.

Montréal, QC

30 April, 2024


In response to the changing landscape of cancer care and the imperative to improve operational efficiency, the Integrated University Health and Social Services Center (CIUSSS) of East-de-l'Île- de-Montréal announces its partnership with the Montréal company specializing in artificial intelligence Gray Oncology Solutions (Gray). This collaboration aims to optimize the operations of the infusion clinics of the two CIUSSS cancer centers by equipping them with new technology developed by Gray.

As the CIUSSS moves toward its vision of becoming a fully integrated cancer center, it faces challenges in managing its infusion clinics. In particular, the manual and inefficient processes necessary to plan care pathways no longer make it possible to adequately treat an ever-increasing patient population. Encompassing 2 hospitals, 1 university institute, 8 CLSCs and 15 CHSLDs, the CIUSSS serves a population of more than 500,000 people in Montreal and its surrounding areas. With an increase in patient volume, it is essential to ensure optimal use of resources to maintain access to high-quality care.

Recognizing the need for an innovative and transformative solution, the CIUSSS chose Gray as its preferred partner.

We are delighted with this partnership with Gray Oncology Solutions, a Montréal company which has already demonstrated in several hospitals in the region that it is possible to better meet the needs of cancer patients by making better use of resources,

declared Deborah Pascale, Deputy Director of the Cancer Program at the CIUSSS de l'Est-de-l'Ile-de-Montréal.

By working together, we are convinced that we will be able to significantly improve our operations, thus providing more efficient and more accessible care to the population served by the CIUSSS. This collaboration illustrates our continued commitment to innovate and provide the best possible care to our community.

Gray, is a company that specializes in leveraging data science to optimize operations in cancer care. The result of more than three years of co-development with the CHUM, their operating system, GrayOS, draws on operational research and artificial intelligence to automate, optimize and orchestrate the planning of care trajectories.

We are very honored to contribute to the ambitious project of making the CIUSSS a cutting-edge integrated cancer center,

declared André Diamant, CEO of Gray.

The commitment to operational innovation of our two institutions will promote remarkable advances to guarantee the best cancer care for the population of Montréal and its surrounding areas.


The Integrated University Health and Social Services Center of the East Island of Montreal has 2 hospitals, 2 university institutes, 8 CLSCs and 15 CHSLDs. With its 17,500 employees, it offers a full range of health care and social services to the population.

About Gray Oncology Solutions

Gray Oncology Solutions was founded in 2019 by a pair of medical physics doctors who aim for a sustainable healthcare system where no resources are wasted. That’s why they created GrayOS, the operating system that automates, optimizes and orchestrates the logistics of cancer care pathways. Today, this solution helps many North American cancer centers increase access to care while reducing operational costs and improving the staff experience.

For more information, please visit or contact, CEO, Gray Oncology Solutions.


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